Our partners

Lianyungang Huanghai Machinery
Lianyungang Huanghai Machinery Co Ltd, China – drilling rig supply

Hyundai Heavy Industries
TRAST-Service LLC, Kyrgyzstan (official distributor of Hyundai Heavy Industries) – supply of road construction equipment

TAMOZ Machinery
TAMOZ Machinery LLP, Kazakhstan (exclusive dealer of the DOOSAN Corporation) – supply of road construction equipment and spare parts

AsiaAutoCentre LLC, Kyrgyzstan (official distributor of KAMAZ in Kyrgyzstan) – supply of trucks and spare parts

Boart Longyear
Boart Longyear LLC, Western Russia – drilling tools supply

Wuxi Geotec Geological Equipment
Wixi Geotec Geological Equipment Co Ltd, China – supply of drill pipes and diamond drilling tools

TH Professional
TH Professional LLC, Ivanovo, Russia – supply of spare parts and components for excavators and bulldozers

Mining & Drilling Services
Mining & Drilling Services LLP, Kazakhstan – supply of reagents for drilling, grouting mixtures and diamond drilling tools

Gazprom Oil Asia
Gazprom Oil Asia LLC – supply of all types of fuel

EcoPartner LLC, Kyrgyzstan – legal services